Thursday, September 30, 2010

New AutoSurf's - Surfs4

27% - 28% daily for 4 days
launched:Sep 29th, 2010 is a paid to surf and traffic exchange site where you will earn 28% of your member level every day that you earn 10 credits or more by viewing websites. 5% Referral Bonus.There is no clicking involved with our automated promotion system! We are the fastest, easiest way to make money on the Internet, while you earn free advertising to increase your sales and site exposure. This is a no-brainer. So easy, it is child's play.

IP Location: United States Virginia Beach Black Lotus Communications
Reverse IP: 2 websites use this address. (examples:

Monday, September 27, 2010

New AutoSurf's - UltraDreamSurf

12% daily for 10 days
launched:Sep 27th, 2010

Welcome and thank you for visiting, a site dedicated to allowing it's members the opportunity to earn realistic profits over a short term plan. You may join and become a member for free to view advertisements and earn credits to advertise. You may also become an upgraded member. Free members are able to generate free credits to have their websites shown to other members to help increase their sales. We also provide our members with the opportunity to earn commissions and rebate for viewing other members websites.

IP Location: United States Clifton Fortressitx
Reverse IP: 21 websites use this address. (examples:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Payitforwardtraffic - is a scam,
stay away to keep your money safe.

---------------------------------------------- news :

This is an extremely important update.

We have been getting support tickets asking when or if we will ever be paying out on the Rev Share again. We certaining do want to start paying out again. But, in order to do so we need to bring in new money to the system.

We are working on setting up a new program that will allow us to start bringing in new income so we can start paying on the Rev Share again.

This new program will focus on Advertising that will reach over 200+ Websites at the start and go up from there. Advertisers will pay a low monthly fee or one time fee and have their site and banner seen across all the sites we havein our system. Advertisers will be able to add their website and banner intothe back office as well as see the results from their advertising.

Everyone that is marketing online needs advertising. We have beenexperimenting by selling limited number of Advertising packages and havegotten great results. This new site will allow us to take it to the nextlevel. And you have a chance to be part of it from the very beginning.

We have decided to offer Founders positions while we work on getting this allsetup. The money from the Founders positions will help us to cover the costsof getting the scripts, graphics, and everything else setup. It will also helpin covering some of the costs involved with membership fees, advertisingcredit purchases, and more.

Founders positions will have the following benefits:

1)1 Website in the rotation forever.
2)1 Banner in the rotation forever.
3)Other Advertising perks.
3)A percentage of earnings from sales of the new site.
4)PIFT earnings reinstated.
5)Higher Referral Commissions for referring members tothe new site.
6)More benefits along the way.

The cost will be only $99.99!

I'm hoping eveyone sees that this is an awesome deal. You are getting a founders position, ads running on 200+ sites and more as we add new sites forever, and other special advertising perks. On top of that you will be earning a percentage back from the sales we make. You will also start earning again from anything you have spent in the past from PayItForwardTraffic. Plus the other benefits!

The best part is we will start rotaing your Website and Banner Ad now, even before the site is ready! So, you will be benefiting from the advertising evenbefore the site launches.

Many of you may ask, what will happen if I don't buy a founders position? WillI start getting earnings from PIFT again. At this time only people that purchase a founders position will get their PIFT earnings reinstated. Once thenew site is runnining we will then look at setting aside a percentage to startpaying members of PIFT that did not purchase a founders position. But, I cantell you it will be much less of a percentage than the founders. Founders willstart getting paid right away and will get all the other benefits of being afounder.

We are only going to be offering a certain number of founders positions. So,if you want one I would jump on it right away. We will give PIFT membersfirst choice, but I will be contacting all my lists with this offer as well.

To get a position just click the link below and scroll to the bottom of the page. We will be accepting AlertPay and PayPal. If you wish to use SolidTrustPay, Liberty Reserve, or a combination of payment processors let me know. Use the Support System at PIFT for any questions you may have.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New AutoSurf's - Geniussurf

0.8 % for 365 Days
5 % for 30 Days
12 % for 12 Days
launched:Sep 7th, 2010

GeniusSurf is created to proof Auto-Surfs are working. My name is Willy, and I love surfing. HYIP programs and top paying programs are usually created to secure a swift return. Since many years, there was no successful Auto-surf with the idea how surfs should developed.
Auto-surfs are not just short ROI HYIP programs. They where created to see the newest programs, blogs, forums, private websites, and share quality sites for and from members. Auto-surfs are here to advertise! For a few years, we have not seen any Auto-surfs where the basic idea of Auto-surfing was the main attraction.
I started many years ago to love Auto-Surfs. The idea was clear surf, and earn. What you get for free, was the newest and trendiest sites on the Internet. Since this time, there was many Auto and Manual Surfs, just a few carried the tradition of the original Auto-surf idea.
The problem with most Auto-surfs before they fail, was not their popularity and failing because of investors. The problem was because they stop following their own design. To make their surf an advertisement portfolio.

IP Location: California - Fullerton - Staminus Communications
Reverse IP: There is 1 domain hosted on this IP address.