Thursday, January 5, 2012

New AutoSurf program - 12dailyinstant

12% daiy for 12 days
2% daily for 100 days
launched:Jan 6th, 2012

Our group has been following the surf industry for the last few years. We have seen 50/50 rules, instant payouts and much more. Our incredible pay plan is setup to never fail or fizzle out. So let's give the surf industry a new idea.

IP Location: Netherlands Amsterdam Serverius Holding B.v
Reverse IP Lookup Results: 35 websites use this address.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New AutoSurf program - Surftothefuture

11% Daily for 11 Days 144% after 12 Days
launched:Jan 4th, 2012

We are very pleased to launch today! We begin this year of 2012 with some good opportunities for everyone. Join us, sign up for an account. It is free.

IP Location: United States New York Netriplex Llc
Reverse IP Lookup Results: 1 website uses this address