Revenue Share Earnings
Revenue Share earnings were posted earlier today. This weeks share was .16 (16%). It was a great week! I want to thank everyone who made it possible.
Ad Levels Page and new Accounting System
Many of you are aware we are in the process of switching over to a new accounting system. We were unable to get everyone switched over to the new system before we had to post earnings today. So, rather than hold up everyone's earnings. We posted earnings in both the old Ad Levels Page system and the new Accounting System. So, some of you are in the new system and some aren't.
How do you know which system you are in? Well, the easiest way to tell is to click on the "View Ad Levels" icon in the Members area. Once you are on that page you will see a red link that says "View Ad Levels Page", click that link and then look for your Member Id. If you see your Member ID and have enough or want to make a request for withdrawal, use the form toward the top of that page to do so.
If you do not see your Member ID on this page, it means you are in the new PayItForward Accounting System. To get to that system just go back to the page you were just on and click the red link that says "PayItForward Accounting System". You will then need to login with your same email and password. From there you will see your Ad Levels and earnings. You can make a withdrawal as well. The withdraw feature in the new accounting system isn't working correctly, but you can still make a request by clicking the support ticket link on the withdraw page.
I know it's confusing have both systems going, but by next week we will only have one system. So, please be patient while we make the switch.
Referral Commmissions
Any commissions you have made from Ad Level purchases will be listed in the new PayItForward Accounting System. You will have to make a withdraw request from the new system. You will still want to check the old Referral Commissions page to see if you have anything listed there. We are finishing up adding commissions from Revenue Share rollovers and they will be listed there. They will be added before midnight.
50/50 Rule / Hit and Run Clause
This rule is now in effect. If you cash out more than 50% of your Revenue Share earnings, your Ad Level balance will be reduced by the amount you cash out. Example: You have an Ad Level balance of $100.00 and you earn $10.00 in Revenue Share earnings for the week. If you cash out the entire $10.00, your Ad Levels balance will reduce to 90 Ad Levels. If you only cash out $5.00, your Ad Levels balance remains the same and will mature normally.
Referral Contest
Referral Contest is still going on and we will post an update tomorrow with the current standings. But, it continues until the end of the month. So, there is still time for you to win some prizes.
PIFT Special Drawing 2009
This drawing is still going on as well. This special drawing is to encourage free members to try out PIFT as an upgraded member and enjoy the benefits of an upgraded member. Free members that upgrade get a chance to win free ad Levels.
That's it for now. Just send a support ticket if you have any problems finding your Ad Levels, earnings, or making a withdrawal request.
EMarkets FX is a SCAM!
EMarkets FX ( program was blacklisted is an obvious scam
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