Saturday, January 9, 2010

Surf-o-matic —

Well I hope everyone is started the new years with a bang. SUrf-O-Matic is doing well. I want to thank everyone for the dedication and determination to keep Surf-O-Matic going when others go away.

I know that the subject of the mail is update but other then to say that we are doing extremely well financially, there is not much else to say. What I mean by this is that Besides my investments I have enough in the the 3 processors we use to pay out all existing upgrades.

Now some important reminders.

FIRST and foremost is we are not a ponzi. I do NOT need new deposits to be able to pay our members and I do NOT need new members, so the monitors taht offer to get and recruit its not needed.

Second, I do not get on line on the weekends so i do not make payments during that time. So if you have a pending there is no need to e-mail when will it be paid.

Third, Sometimes i get the chance to make an investment from one processor which may put me short in another. When this happens i have to do one of 2 things pay members to a different processor or wait till funds are moved.

and Last but not least I am not big in the forums and I do not think it is very important for me as YOU our members are great and do a wonderful job of keeping non members and others informed that we are here and plan to be for some time to come.

Thanks again to one and all for the success and dedication that you have allowed me.
I look forward to serving you for a long time to come.


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