Since my last update we've been looking at our plan for outside revenue and making changes where necessary.
A couple of weeks ago we found an outside venture that we're very excited about. First, here's a little background information to bring you up to date with what's been going on.
Where We've Been...
Operating under the old business plan, we were able to pay our members very high rebates in the beginning, as most programs do. But we had plans to create a mutual-fund style of program that would pay our members long-term rebates income without expiring your adpacks. These plans were based on our current model of 100% outside income which we were trying to put in place when we had to move the program from the Ventrino script to the RevShareCoders script due to our rapid growth. Because we weren't able to get technical support for weeks at a time we were delayed several months from transitioning to the new business model.
By the time we finally made the transition to our new business model, most WFH adpack income had been paid to our members in the form of rebates. I was able to invest some of admin's earnings in outside ventures which is what has been creating most of our revenue lately. Since I am a man of my word, I have not expired your ad packs. But it has been a big strain on our rebates. If we were expiring adpacks as most programs do, your rebates would be much higher than they currently are.
The holiday times and the promotion of many new programs have also taken a big toll on WFH during the transition. The new ad purchases that would normally come in to WFH are going elsewhere leaving our already-strained capital to do more and more work.
Where We're Going...
Our new team of Forex experts has a great deal of experience trading over the last decade. They have developed a very successful trading style with a combination of multiple systems that support it. It's been tested over the last 8 months with quite excellent results. We're legally not able to give you figures. Let's just say that it's very impressive even to the experienced trader.
This system is not available to the public so we know they are only interested in trading, not marketing. We are very fortunate to have found them.
We have been testing a small amount of money for few weeks and like what we see so far. We think it has the potential to bring WFH rebates back into a lucrative state for our members in a relatively short period of time.
How To Get There...
I'm informing you of the details of our past operation so you can be part of our future decisions. We have much more power as a group than admin does alone and we have a choice about how to proceed from this point.
Here's the deal. We can let our small managed account grow over time, while withdrawing from it to pay small rebates as we've been doing this past month or we can go another way. We can work together as a team to take advantage of a rare find by pulling together for the good of all members.
If all our members purchase 1 adpack unit ($10), those funds would be deposited into our managed account making it large enough to create a huge rebate. By itself a $10 purchase is not much. But when a large group of our members make a small effort like this everyone wins. A small purchase at his time can make a very big difference in how soon your rebates start growing.
We are working on several other projects that will increase our outside income but this project alone has the power to turn things around by itself so we wanted to present it to you as soon as possible. We hope you take the next step with us.
EMarkets FX is a SCAM!
EMarkets FX ( program was blacklisted is an obvious scam
doing selective payouts We have received repeated complaints about this
program. We...
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