Friday, September 25, 2009

Megatraffic4u -

Introducing our "7 Days for 77.77 Surf Party"
Runs From: Monday the 28th of September through Sunday the 4th of October.

Very Important: (ONLY PRO and MEGA MEMBERS QUALIFY FOR THIS PROMOTION) Upgrade your account today to become eligible to win all the prizes listed below. Please read the Bottom of this email for more information regarding the rules for this Promotion.

We are very excited to introduce to you our very first "Surf Party" in celebration of hitting the 1000 member mark.
Here is how it works.
Starting 12.01 server time Monday morning we will be giving away a series of packages to all our Pro Members...
There will be 7 packages awarded, 6 of these packages will be worth 7.77 in free Mega-Pacs and one Mega-Package will be worth 77.77 in Mega-Pacs...
Here is the Kicker...The sponsor of every person who wins these packages will also win the matching amount won by their down-line.
So, let's say you sponsored (John Doe) into the system and they win the the 77.77 package, you (The Sponsor) would also win a matching bonus totaling 77.77 in Mega-Pacs.
There will also be 7 additional prizes worth 7,777 credits distributed everyday and one Grand Prize of 77,777 in credits won..The same rule applies to all Sponsors. If one of your Down-line Members win, you win...All Prize winners will be announced at the close of the week and at that time Prizes will be awarded to all the winners...

All you have to do to win one of these prizes is, Become an active Pro Member in MT4U by upgrading your account with as little as a 10$ purchase in Mega-Pacs. Then simply Surf MT4U and when you come across one of these sites

YOU WIN!!!...After winning, simply email us with the Code on the page and we will credit your account with the prize won at the end of the Promotion. This Promotion will start Monday the 28th of September through Sunday the 4th of October.

The Rules:
All members that submit a winning code number MUST have been a Pro Member in MT4U by the end of the Previous day to be eligible for any and all prizes.. If you win a prize you must submit the code of the prize the same day as winning to be eligible for that prize
Gary and myself are the only ones who know the exact time each Winning Page is uploaded for viewing on the surf bar. We will also know within about 15 minutes of the time the site was viewed.
New Members that sign up in MT4U during the promotion are NOT eligible for the prizes awarded the day they Signup. They can however upgrade their membership by midnight est the day of signup and be eligible for the next days prizes being offered.

As always, if you have any questions or comments please feel free to email us
To Your Success,
Tim and Gary

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