Monday, August 10, 2009

12dailyclicks —

Hello, 12DC Family! We should first say huge thanks for your great support! It's much appreciated.

As of today, August 10, 12DailyClicks has completed it's second cycle and it has been in business already for 24 days. During this time our membership has reached 700 members and it keeps growing all the time, the best part is that growth was really stable.

But, did we see the same 12DailyClicks on it's first day? Definitely no. Many great features has been implemented which makes 12DC unique and special. Latest feature we announced was called "Paid to Promote". We're paying you now for promoting 12DC using splash page.

Every member who promotes his splash page will earn $2.00 for every 1000 unique hits to his link. That's really nice cash, if you look around, you find most PTPs pay a few cents CPM. Look for "Get Paid to Promote" section in your 12DC member area, there is information about how this feature works and what you need to do to start earning money just for showing your link to world.

If you don't want to make money promoting but still want to show people your splash page - no problem, your splash page link is available in your member area. Go to "Get Paid to Promote". Here's a generic link: (replace 1 by your account ID#)

Our Twitter feature also works as a perfect tool for quick-communication when we need to reach our followers fastly. Over 30 people are already following us, I sincerely think it could be bigger. If you are not following us yet, do it right away:

There's another great feature that makes 12DC different from the crowd. We're sure the right way to show the people that we are paying is to show payout screenshots! So check it here:

I'd like to conclude this message, by inviting those who joined and still didn't upgrade, to check the program again and consider it. 12DailyClicks is growing and we would love if everybody could participate of this opportunity, it will be good for the program and very profitable for you.

The Ultimate 12 By 12,
12DailyClicks Team.

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