Sunday, October 25, 2009

Megatraffic4u -

I want to welcome all the New members on board and let you know we are very grateful that you would take the time out of your busy schedule to join the MT4U Advertising Portal...We take your membership very serious here at and want you to know we are working very hard behind the scenes to make this the best Advertising Portal Online...

This Email is extremely important as there's some valuable information here that you will need, going into the future with MT4U...

New Server:
We have purchased our own server that will be used to host We have also hired a Server Management Company to Manage our server and provide 24 hour protection 365 days of the year for us. After doing research on this subject we feel like we have secured the services of the best people for the job...
We will be moving sometime this week, possibly Friday to the New Dedicated server...But don\'t worry, We will give you plenty of notice before this move takes place...

New Surfing Schedule:
We will be implementing a New Schedule starting Tuesday night...
Our surf week will run from Sunday to Saturday...Starting next week, all surfing requirements must be completed by 11.59 pm EST on Saturday Night...The pay days will stay the same with Rebates being paid on Tuesday from 12.00am EST to 11.59pm EST and Commissions being paid on Thursday from 12.00am EST to 11.59pm EST...
We have had a few issues were some members were not getting credit for surfing for the week...We have spoken to the Programmer about this and the program is set up to surf from Saturday to Saturday... So, reworking the schedule this way is much easier for all parties involved...

Starting this coming Tuesday we will have a Surf Holiday for the entire week...So you will not need to surf next week to get paid....This will be done because of the schedule change and the fact we will be moving the site to a new server...

MTTV Schedule:
We are very excited to announce the New Schedule for MTTV that will begin Monday night at
Before I get into the schedule I need to make one thing clear, We will have two types of Programming on MTTV...Regular and Premium Programming...
The regular Programming will be aired on will include weekly TV spots from myself and others pertaining to
Premium Programming will NOT be shown on Programming will only be available from within inside the members area of
Also, we will be offering varying credit bonuses to viewers of various Premium Programming Shows...

A Quick example would be, Wednesday Night we will be airing a special on the 3x1 matrix, Trinamex at 9pm EST... Each viewer that views the entire 30 minute segment will receive a bonus of 5000 credits added to their account...
The only requirements is you must sign in to the chat feature on MTTV with your user name on megatraffic4u...We must visualize your user name there for you to be awarded your credits...Also the Show Host will give you a bonus code that you will need to collect your credits...Then after the show is over you must send a support ticket to us with your request and the Name of the show you attended ( In this Case Trinamex) along with the Bonus Code...
And we will credit your account with the Credits awarded for that viewing...

Now for the schedule,

Monday Night 9pm EST:
Tim Sidden MT4U Admin
Regular Programming

I will be on MTTV with the news of
This will be a Q&A were I will be answering all your questions...If you have questions comments or concerns, this is the place to do it...

Tuesday Night: 9pm EST
Frank Buck, Corporate Law Specializing in Revshare companies
1000 Bonus Credits
Frank is a well respected Corporate Law Attorney specializing in Offshore Incorporations...He also specializes in online marketing including the Revshare industry...During his weekly show, he will be sharing his secrets on how you can keep the money you make online...
Frank Buck will be appearing every week in this Time Slot answering your questions and giving advice on both US based and Offshore Corporations...
Frank Buck is also one of the Principle Founders of

Wednesday Night 9pm EST
Rick Dammer, Trinamex
Credits awarded, 5000
Premium Channel

Wednesday night we will feature Rick Dammer Co-Founder and Co-Admin of Trinamex
You will be awarded 5000 credits for viewing this show...

Thursday Night 9pm EST
Brendin Finn, The State of the Revshare
Premium Channel
1000 Bonus Credits

Brendin Finn will be hosting a weekly News Show on the State of the Revshare ...
Giving you updates on all the happenings around the Internet on the industry and tips and tricks on how to work the Revshare industry to Maximize your potential with each program...
Brendin will also answer your questions on the various revshares on the Internet as well as other notable companies online...
This will be must see TV if you have a interest in making money online with the Revshare Industry...

Monday Night 9pm EST November 2nd
T Le Mont Silver Sr. -Investing-Forex
Premium Channel
2000 Bonus Credits

T Le Mont was one of the individuals I met while in Florida this past week...Rarely am I impressed in meeting someone the way I was in meeting him...
As tired as I was, being we met at 12.30 am in the morning, we still spoke for about 3 hours...
T Le Mont is a Master Trainer on the Forex Market. He and his team are some of the best if not the best traders in the world...And he has agreed to do a weekly show showing the members of megatraffic4u his secrets...This in my opinion is must see TV...
His show will feature live trading as well as training on how the Forex Market works...For a totally passive income you will not won't to miss this weekly special airing every Monday Night starting November 2nd at 9pm EST.

This is just a few of the specials we are in the process of lining up...

For more updates please visit

I will see you Monday Night on MTTV...

Have a Great Weekend,

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